Website design & development and eCommerce solutions

High-quality websites, and ecommerce project's well managed from start to finish

We're trusted by recognised names and discerning establishments to build websites that enable them to do more, sell more and grow more.

Webcetera works with emerging, challenger and established brands from a range of sectors, including fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG), hospitality and retail.

Our long-standing client partners work with us because they want to do more business online. If, like them, you have your sights set on taking your online sales and marketing channels to the next level, working with an agency that will help you cut through the complexity and leverage the potential of the leading platforms–including Shopify, Webflow and WordPress–is a must.

At Webcetera, we are that ecommerce-focussed website design and development agency.

As an official Shopify Partner, Webcetera  will help you harness its power to drive sales growth.

Shopify is the leading, all-in-one commerce platform that powers over 1,700,000 businesses worldwide, including Gymshark, Tesla and Heinz. It’s already helping a great many of the companies and brands on our client roster – from start-ups to high-growth businesses – to leverage the growth opportunities provided by having an effective and secure online store that’s built for the future.

Whether it’s an online store designed for mobile or a point of sale (POS) that syncs with retail, Shopify is where businesses start, how they scale and something they can never outgrow. As an official Shopify Partner, you can trust Webcetera to help your business to harness the many benefits that Shopify offers:

  • Boundless customisation potential, which means that, with its unlimited product capacity and powerful analytics tools, you’ll never have to worry about outgrowing it.
  • Incredibly easy store management, which means that, with a little guidance from us, you’ll be able to run your online store with ease, through its simple-to-use ecommerce management system. We’ll always be there to help, but in addition, as you’d expect from one of the world’s leading systems, Shopify provides direct-to-client, 24/7 support for additional peace of mind.
  • Leading-edge, enterprise-level security, which means you can focus on growing your business’s online sales, safe in the knowledge that your business and its customers are always protected.

We’re here for your entire Shopify journey. We lay the foundations for growth and scalability with an agile and evolving service. As we help your ecommerce business to grow, our service grows too. Together we’ll ensure your business remains future-ready.

Want to see an example of the possibilities that Shopify offers?

Take a look at this case study for Tilly's Treat Cupboard, whose online store was built by the team at Webcetera using Shopify.

We specialise in Webflow. Webflow is a powerful, user-friendly, in-browser website development platform that we’ve been mastering for several years. It offers a number of key benefits to our clients:

  • Webflow provides incredible flexibility in the design process, which provides us with more creative control and the ability to create a visual theme that’s completely on-brand and supports better coherence between your key digital assets and your offline communications.
  • It’s very easy to manage and maintain, which means that, with a little guidance from us, you and your team will be able to edit content and images in-house, giving you more flexibility and, potentially, driving cost efficiency.
  • It supports easier collaboration between our team and yours, which means that, once your site is live, we’ll always be able to help when required, but, equally, you stay in the driving seat and can choose how much or how little you outsource to us, depending on the time or in-house resources you have available. That’s good to know when you’ve got growth in your sights.

Want to see an example of the possibilities that Webflow offers?

Take a look at this case study for Approved Technology, whose website was built by the team at Webcetera using Webflow.

The websites we build on WordPress provide our clients with several advantages, including incredible responsiveness, easy-to-use content management tools and stability across a range of devices. This is perfect if you’re looking to do more business in a 24/7 world and want fingertip flexibility. We’re fluent in

WordPress and have many years’ experience in helping our clients get the most from the stand-out benefits it offers:

  • WordPress is extremely flexible and adaptable; it contains plugin architecture, which means it’s fully customisable to fit your specific needs and objectives.
  • It’s search engine friendly by design; that – combined with our optimisation expertise – means your site will be found quickly, which will drive brand awareness and online sales.
  • It puts more control in your hands, which means you’re less reliant on external support. With a user-friendly, easy-to-master content management system (CMS), you can manage and update your site with relative ease, and, of course, the team at Webcetera are always here to support you whenever you need us.

Want to see an example of the possibilities that WordPress offers?

Take a look at this case study for Osh Gosh Gowns, whose website was built by the team at Webcetera using WordPress.

Tell us what you like, we'll make it happen
Graphic of a woman pointing to a screen filled with code.

How much does all of this cost?

This is something we always get asked, and it’s very hard to answer. 

How much does a new car cost? This is a good analogy as you know that come what may, it’s a significant investment but that a small Toyota Aygo is going to cost far less than and be much cheaper to run and maintain than, say, a BMW M5.

Back to websites, it’s important to think about the value it will provide in return for your investment.

What we can assure you is that we will always provide you with good value for your money. Have a read of our Google reviews to find out what others think about working with us.

Any questions?

Clearly, there’s a lot that happens as we design and develop your website and we’ve discussed the top level points. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.